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Noise and Disturbances: Home

How to report noise and disturbances in our libraries

Please note this service is provided by our library teams. If you are being disturbed in another building, please report it to Security or use the SafeZone app. In an emergency, always call 999.

Our libraries are a shared resource - please remember to behave appropriately and abide by the Library Code of Conduct and the rules of the study zone you are using. You are expected to behave with consideration for others in a manner appropriate to a study environment. Information relating to this is clearly displayed throughout our buildings.

If you are being disturbed by others, you can contact the library team using the noise desktop icon on our computers. Please provide clear information about the nature of the disturbance and the floor area you are in so staff can deal with it appropriately.

To report a noise disturbance or any behavioural issues in our libraries, contact the team using the email addresses below:

Avery Hill Library:

Stockwell Street Library:

Drill Hall Library: report using the online form

Please note these mailboxes are usually monitored in daytime hours (typically 11am-7pm) Monday-Sunday, excluding holidays.

A member of library staff will reply to you as soon as possible.

If the issue is urgent or serious, or you are being disturbed outside the hours noted above, please report it to Security staff at the building’s main reception desk (outside the turnstiles). We also recommend you download the SafeZone app, the personal safety app for everyone at Greenwich which is designed to put you in touch with the on-campus first aiders, Security or emergency response teams more quickly when needed.

Users behaving inconsiderately or inappropriately in university library spaces may be asked to leave immediately. Persistent inappropriate behaviour will be referred to your faculty under the Student Disciplinary Procedure and may result in an immediate suspension from library spaces.

This page was last reviewed and agreed in September 2023.