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Support for Apprenticeship Learners

A guide signposting Apprenticeship learners to support with their studies

What is Your Digital Learning?

The Your Digital Learning LibGuide covers an array of ways to evaluate and improve your digital learning and digital skills, including the JISC Discovery Tool and Information Skills for Success. You can also find out where to get one to one support from Digital Champions if you would like to improve an aspect of your digital skillset.

Your Digital Learning Libguide


What is Integrity Matters?

Integrity Matters is a short interactive e-learning module designed to raise awareness of academic offences and offers strategies to avoid them. It takes one and a half hours to complete, and was created to involve learners in conversations around academic integrity through scenarios that they will recognise.

Integrity Matters Libguide

What is NextLevel?

NextLevel is a free to access Moodle course developed to support you on your academic journey as you progress through the first year of your studies. The module is faculty specific, and you will be able to see it when you search for NextLevel in Moodle.

Click here for more details on how to access NextLevel course

LinkedIn Learning

What is LinkedIn Learning?

LinkedIn Learning is an online learning platform that helps anyone learn business, software, technology and creative skills to achieve personal and professional goals. Staff and learners have access to the LinkedIn Learning library of engaging, top-quality courses taught by recognised industry experts. There is so much to explore, it really is worth doing so.

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