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About GALA

Greenwich Academic Literature Archive (GALA) provides free access to peer-reviewed articles, conference papers, theses and book chapters and more produced by researchers at the university. GALA hosts many thousands of academic and scholarly outputs, with an increasing proportion of these available as Open Access. It is an essential part of the university's submission process to the Research Excellence Framework and will continue to be an important mechanism supporting the wider open access agenda.

GALA can be searched by anyone, anywhere online and full text content is free to download. You will also find GALA items in search engine results and Google Scholar just like other institutional research repositories.

Access GALA

Only University of Greenwich academic staff need to login to add their research to GALA. Select the login link from the Research or Learning Support pages in the portal or directly from the URL: and follow the instructions to sign in with your username and password.

All other users can browse, search and access any full text in GALA from anywhere online without the need to login. 

Browse our research

You can browse GALA by Year, by the Journal title or by the Material type. You can also browse by Subject, Author, or the Department from which the research was conducted.

Showcase your work

Contact us

For advice on using GALA, issues in recording your outputs, guidance on copyright or any other queries contact repository staff at and one of the team will get back to you.

Team members

Michelangelo Paganopoulos, Scholarly Communications Assistant
Greenwich Research & Innovation (GRI)

Rosannagh Maddock, Scholarly Communications Assistant
Greenwich Research & Innovation (GRI)

Alex Carter, Scholarly Communications Assistant
Greenwich Research & Innovation (GRI)

Hannah Wilson, Scholarly Communications Manager
Greenwich Research & Innovation (GRI)

Nadine Edwards, Thesis Support
Stockwell Street Library
Tel. (020) 8331 9781

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