As a student on an NHS commissioned course you are eligible for an NHS England OpenAthens account. This gives you access to a wide range of online resources, journals and databases provided by the NHS in addition to your University of Greenwich account.
Many of the resources available via the NHS OpenAthens account are the same as the ones you have access to via the University of Greenwich. However, the NHS OpenAthens account is a useful addition as it supplements your access with a few NHS only resources such as e-Learning for Healthcare.
Your placement trust may also have a library you can use. Check here to see if there's one where you are based on placement:
When you start your course we generate an NHS OpenAthens account for anyone who is eligible. You should receive an activation email from 'Eduserv OpenAthens' asking you to complete your registration.
If youdo not receive an activation email, or have any difficulties with activating your account or logging in, pleasecontact your librarian rather than self-registering.
Your student NHS England OpenAthens account also includes access to e-Learning for Healthcare, which your tutor or placement location may occasionally ask you to use for your studies. e-Learning for Healthcare is a set of online learning tutorials produced by Health Education England and other partners specifically to support practice in the NHS
When you use e-Learning for Healthcare for the first time you will need to log-in via NHS England OpenAthens and will then need to register. Once this is complete you should have access to the system. A quick start guide can be found online:
If you want to browse the Journals available then go to the NHS Journals list. Remember to log in to see the full content.
Most of the NHS databases duplicate our own collection. However, they use a different interface called HDAS which may look and feel slightly different to resources you are used to. You might like to explore the NHS databases to see how it works.
The BNF and BNFc are both freely available online. However, some people find the mobile app useful. You can download both of these for free for iOS and Android devices - take a look here for more information:
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