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Free Indexes and Open Source Articles

These databases provide free quality journal articles for everyone, which means you will still have access once you leave university.

Computing Specific - Open access repository of articles in mathematics, statistics, qualitative biology, computing and physics.



CORE - CORE (COnnecting REpositories) provides "a comprehensive bibliographic database of the world’s scholarly literature"

Directory of Open Access Journals - specifically targets journal articles

OpenDoar - sponsored by JISC this allows you to identify and  access repositories by country or you can use the advanced filter to search by discipline and types of resources required, including journal articles, patents, datasets and much more.

Streaming Media

University Streaming Services

Box of Broadcasts (BoB)

This provides access to free streaming tv, movies and radio from both the UK, and news channels and some tv from overseas. Educational and research worthy material goes back as far as the 1950's, though the majority of programmes are from the 1990's onwards. You can reserve programmes up to 2 weeks before they are air, save to My BoB and make clips to submit for your studies. 


Kanopy is a video streaming resource with coverage across a wide range of academic disciplines and content, including movies, documentaries and instructional videos.


External Talks

ACM - Tech Talks

A series of free Tech Talks by expert industry professionals, distinguished ACM award laureates, and visionary researchers from industry and academia.


Free talks from industry professionals in business and IT 

Gresham Lectures
Gresham College was founded in 1597 and has been providing free lectures within the City of London for over 400 years.

On its web pages you can find lots of free videos of past lectures and stream live lectures.  There are many computing recordings.

TED Talks   
  • TED is a non-profit devoted to spreading ideas, usually in the form of short, powerful talks (18 minutes or less).

Computing Websites

Professional Bodies:

British Computing Society

IEEE - find out more when you log into their database


Other Websites

LUUG - London Unity User Group (London, United Kingdom) | Meetup

Project Management Institute

Sigma Network


Collaborative Groups

Game Dev Local | Meetup

London Game Development Meetup

Technology News feed from the BBC

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