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All about ebooks at the university and how to access them.

Etextbooks in BibliU

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For the first time, some publishers have licensed some of their etextbook titles, which have previously only been available to libraries in print format. We have unlimited access to a small selection of etextbooks on BibliU. These work on a different funding model to our usual ebooks and we are experimenting with them to see whether there is sufficient usage, ease of use and value for money to continue using this platfrom in the future.

We would appreciate your comments and feedback about your experience of using BibliU.

Accessing BibliU

You can find the etextbooks by searching for the title on the main search screen in LibrarySearch and via the Publication Finder link in LibrarySearch. The link takes you directly to the book in BibliU. There is also a link to BibliU via the Online databases and academic journals link in the Search the Library portlet on the My learning / Student / Learning support pages in the portal.

You can also download the apps for Google Play StoreIOS App Store and Windows and MacOS. 

Once you select the link in LibrarySearch, Publication Finder or Moodle and navigate to BibliU you will authenticate via the UK Access Management Federation Login through your university screen. Type ‘Greenwich’ and select the university name to be transferred to the BibliU title directly. There is no need to create an individual account.

How to use BibliU

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