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Academic Support

Here you will find useful directions to the variety of study support services available to you.

About Studiosity Plus

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We have teamed up with Studiosity to bring you the latest version of an online service that can help you improve your academic writing skills. This is important for you because this could potentially help improve your grades for written assessments.

You can upload drafts of your essays, reports and other written assessment and get feedback on your academic writing within minutes!

Your draft will be reviewed by Studiosity and you will receive AI-generated feedback on your grammar, structure, spelling and language. If you upload an essay, you'll also receive feedback on your critical analysis, demonstrated in the draft. You'll also receive useful tips and information on how you can improve your writing. 

What can Studiosity Plus do?

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What does the feedback cover?

Feedback will cover:

  • Spelling and grammar
  • Document structure
  • Use of language
  • Argument development
  • Referencing

Feedback is not subject specific. This means that design students (for example) will not get feedback on their design ideas and literature students will not get feedback on their literary criticism. The feedback is purely about the quality or your writing and covers the points listed above.

Who is providing the feedback?

Feedback is ethically AI generated and approved by the university. This means the service is fast and available 24/7. The AI provision is closely monitored by real human experts for the purposes of quality control. While the feedback given is not, primarily, subject specific, it will provide you with a valuable insight into the development of your academic style which you can then discuss further with your own tutors and academic support team.

How do I find Studiosity Plus?

Go to your module page on Moodle and look for the Studiosity link,

When you click the link, you will be taken to the homepage. Just choose a PIN, agree to the terms of use and continue to your account.

Important: make a note of your PIN because you'll need to enter it each time you use Studiosity. This is to help protect your privacy.

Once you've activated your account, you may find it easier to use the Studiosity app on your phone or tablet.

What's the catch?

There isn't one. However, there are a few limitations:

  • Each student may use the service up to 100 times during the academic year. This gives you tremendous flexibility in how you use the service to improve your work. It is important that you follow up your Studiosity feedback with your own tutors to help target and focus the support to your own unique coursework needs.
  • Each draft essay/report submitted for feedback must be no more than 8000 words. However, if your written assessment is longer than this, you can always split it. For example, a 15,000-word assessment could be uploaded in two halves, using two of your Studiosity credits.

Other than that, you're free to use Studiosity whenever and however you need it.

Q: Can I use Studiosity for takeaway exams / online assessments?
A: Yes. Studiosity won't check the content of your work, it will only give you non subject specific feedback on the quality of your writing.

Need help?

The Writing Feedback FAQ contains answers to frequent questions about the service.
There is also a lot of useful material available at the Studiosity YouTube Channel.

Who to contact

If you need advice about how to get the most from the service, talk to your module tutor or academic tutor in the first instance.

For technical and all other queries, please contact

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