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Library Guides

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General Library Guide

How to use your university library service

Library regulations

Code of Conduct

The agreement you signed as part of the registration for your course included agreement to comply with library and computing rules. Our Code of Conduct is part of these and can be found at Please read this to ensure you are aware of what you, and others, have agreed.

Computer misuse

You have a personal login and print credit account on the University network; information about using your network account  can be found at

It is a disciplinary offence to log in to someone else's account, or to allow someone to use yours. Please remember that downloading or sharing copyright material is illegal and also a disciplinary offence in the University. The network login of anyone found downloading illegally will be immediately disabled pending further disciplinary action.

Posters in Stockwell Street Building

The following is an except in regards to poster displays in the Stockwell Street Building. It can be found on page 21 of the Rules and Regulations Handbook, included below.

Posters and Fixings: There is a strict no poster policy and absolutely no fly-posting is allowed. Please help us maintain the high quality appearance of the building by adhering to this policy. There are a number of lockable notice boards and temporary up-stands for communicating to staff and students. These are only to be used for University related events or notices. Likewise, fixings to the building fabric is not allowed.

Young Persons & Children on University Premises

Children accompanied by staff, students and visitors are permitted for short durations into low risk open areas, such as restaurants, reception areas, single occupancy offices and open access IT areas, provided they remain supervised at all times.